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Bellasara icon.png This page is a part of the OC Wiki!: This is a fan created page for an original creation inspired by Bella Sara, and is not an official Bella Sara creation. Bellasara icon.png
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Find the beauty in yourself and embrace it, for you are beautiful in every way.


Annularis is a stallion with a Friesian-based build. His mane is black with fading blue tips and his wings are black with blue tips around the base feathers. He has no horse tail but that of a fish, white in color with blue stripes and white fins with fading blue ends. He also has a white fin with a blue faded tip behind his shoulder. His black coat has 3 blue stripes, two long and one short, along his neck and flank with blue stripes on the backside of his legs. His black feathers are also two tones with blue stripes. Annularis has blue outlines on the interior of his ears and he has a white star on the center of his forehead outlined in blue. He has two blue stripes underneath his eye, which are blue in color, with 3 along his cheek and one reaching from the edge of his eye to the underside of his cheek. Annularis's hooves are gray with blue fading from the top of each hoof. He also wears a necklace of blue corals and pearls that hold the Herd Islandar emblem he is proud to wear.


Annularis is a wise stallion, taking his position as Seer of his herd seriously but also taking time to appreciate those around him. He enjoys finding the beauty in all around him and makes it his mission to spread that beauty to others and help them find their own inner beauty.

Magical Gift

With the ability to fly via his wings and swim with his fins, Annularis also has the ability to prophesize with the help of his treasure, Foreseeing Pearls. The pearls, big and glowing blue, only growing near volcanoes underneath the waters of the Equinesian Sea. They have the ability to show pieces of the future in them, but only choose a specific horse to see into them to prevent others from abusing their powers. The Foreseeing Pearls grow every 5 years, the powers of the already harvested fading once the new ones have grown. Annularis can see through these pearls, which earned his spot as the Seer of Herd Islandar.



The Name Game

An Annularis is a type of fish with bright blue stripes.

Inspirational Message

"Find the beauty in yourself and embrace it, for you are beautiful in every way."

