Bagatella Row

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Bagatella Row Map


Bagatella Row, also known as Bagatella Market in various lore, was an area in Bella Sara Adventures where you could shop. It included a number of interactable characters, but you could not enter any of the shops. Each shop resembled the character and the item they sell within it. There were also a number of shops in the background.[1]


Mister Bartholomew

He owns Posies and Petals. He can sell you any kind of food or flower seed. You can also sell spare seeds and plants to him for horseshoes.

Jory Critterton

He owns the Magical Friends Emporium. He can sell you different animal friends to place throughout the game and in your cottage.

Mother Comfort

She owns Delightful Candies. She can make any kind of food needed for quests. You cannot buy her candy outside of quests, however.

Iverson P. Opus

He owns Patchwork Books and Toys. He can sell you books and toys to place in your cottage.

Hannah Lovet

She owns Brush n' Braid. She can sell you any type of hairstyle or clothing. She also provides you with a dye machine to create dyes out of plants to dye your clothes.


Smoke Crystals


  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.