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You will find more in the woods then in the books.


Green horse with moss and brown antlers.


She is brave but keeps her distance from most other horses. Loves to take care of little wounded animals and those who are lost.

Magical Gift

Her antlers glow gold when her magical friends are around. She can create hallucination in order to keep intruder out of forest.



He was one of the very first to welcome her.


They are spending lot of time together.

The Name Game

The Canotina are forest spirits of Sioux folklore, usually appearing as sprites or dwarves. "Canoti" literally means "tree dweller," and "canotila" means "little tree dweller." They were considered messengers from the spirit world and often appeared to Sioux people in dreams.[1]

Inspirational Message

"You will find more in the woods then in the books."

