Dream Horse Game

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Dream Horse Game was released in 2010 by Hidden City Games. The game was released in English and French.[1]


The Dream Horse Game includes the following:

  • 1 Spinning cloud with Bella Sara Dream Horse
  • 1 Game Board
  • 4 Bracelets
  • 16 Charms in pink, yellow, blue, and purple
  • 1 Beaded Elastic for the Horse's Mane
  • 1 Lucky Horseshoe
  • 1 Pretty Prize Ring


The game includes a spinning Bella in the middle of a circular game board. Players spin the Bella toy with makes one of two noises described as a snort ("Pbpbbb!") or a neigh ("Neeigh!"). Depending on the sound the players cna advance to collect charms for their bracelets. The game ends when a player collects four charms and asks Bella the question "Am I your Dream Rider?".



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.