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Facing your fear is a way to get through it.


Foxglove is a white pegasus stallion with a beautiful matching mane and tail. He has dappled pink spots scattered around his body, much like the inside of the flower he is named after. His wing feathers are also bordered with this same pink. Foxglove's hooves and muzzle are green, and he has a light, pink feathering on his legs. He wears a crown around his head, showing his position in the herd.[1]


Foxglove is never afraid to face his fears.

Magical Gift 

As Foxglove is a pegasus and has wings, he can naturally fly.


Foxtail and Lavender

Foxglove has one colt Foxtail, and one filly Lavender.


Foxglove's mate is Saffron. Together they have one colt and one filly.

The Name Game

The flower foxglove is a flower native to Europe, Asia, and Africa. The tubular flowers typically come in pink, purple, white, and yellow. The scientific name for the flower is digitalis, meaning "fingertip," and refers to the fact the flower can easily fit on a human fingertip.[2]

Inspirational Message

Sunflowers Icon “Facing your fear is a way to get through it.”

Sunflowers Icon “Je angst tegemoet treden is een manier om erdoor te komen.”

Sunflowers Icon “Affronter tes peurs est un moyen de t'en affranchir.”

Sunflowers Icon “Stell dich deiner Angst. So kannst du sie überwinden”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Digitalis. (June 27, 2020). Retrieved August 9, 2020 from

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Sunflowers Icon Flora
Herds from North of North Icon Bluefiddle

Sunflowers Icon Foxtail
Herds from North of North Icon Lavender

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