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Bellasara icon.png This page is a part of the OC Wiki!: This is a fan created page for an original creation inspired by Bella Sara, and is not an official Bella Sara creation. Bellasara icon.png
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Run, fly, dance, and find your freedom!


Hazel is a brown horse with a shaggy coat. Her belly and chest are a light color of brown, and on her back, lower legs, and forehead she has tiger-like red markings. Her mane and tail are a curly dark brown, and her eyes are bright orange. Hazel's ears are tufted with a slight reddish tint and her hooves are dark brown.


Hazel is a highly energetic horse! You almost never see her sitting idly. She enjoys travelling, and galloping wherever her hooves may lead. But she always comes home to her mate Willow at the end of the day.

Magical Gift

Hazel has a deep connection with animals, and can easily make friends with any forest creatures. She can often be found with an animal friend hitching a ride on her back! She uses her gift to help out her animal friends with any problems they may have, as well as helping others understand their own animal friends and companions better. Because of her gift, her herd has gifted her the title of "Ambassador."


Hazel was born to loving, free-roaming parents who enjoyed travelling North of North. However on one unfortunate day, while travelling as a family with young Hazel, her parents took a wrong turn and became lost in the Darkcomb Forest. In an unlucky turn of fate, they ran into a giant spider! Frightened and being chased, the little family became separated and Hazel became lost in the shuffle. She searched and she searched for her family, until she finally realized she was very, very lost. She laid down to cry, but was approached by a kind group of tassel mice wanting to help her. These kind creatures attempted to cheer her up, and encouraged her to keep walking. One brave tassel mouse decided he would go with her, hitching a ride on her back, and letting out encouraging squeaks to keep her company.

With the help of her new little friend, she kept walking until she finally reached the banks of the Fastalon River. Despite the sadness in her heart and her weariness, Hazel and her new friend kept going, until finding a small village where some kind horses and their humans felt compassionate to her and nursed her back to help. Hazel stayed with them for a time, but eventually decided she and her new tiny friend would continue to travel, looking for her lost family.

As she grew and travelled around North of North, Hazel never forgot about her parents. But, she saw many amazing things and met many amazing creatures! From the largest of creatures to the smallest, Hazel loved them all and they loved her! As the years went by, Hazel was unable to find her parents, and decided that she would change her goal. She would wander the world to meet and help her creature friends, just like her tassel mouse friend had helped her as a foal.

She did just that, travelling and meeting all kinds of magical creatures, and it was on one of these trips that she met the Citrustacks and Mother Comfort. As Mother Comfort and her Citrustack friends offered her a candy and chatted, Mother Comfort mentioned a pair of horses, Worldwalker and Cloudweaver, who were looking to begin a new herd that she might be interested in. With excitement, Hazel decided to meet them, and from there was able to join Herd Solace, gaining a new family for the first time.

After this, she continued to travel, but always came back to her new herdmates. But it was on another of her many trips, this time to Overgaard Skylands, that she came across Willow-Whisp. The two instantly connected, and it was love at first sight. They spent many hours walking together, meeting the animal friends of Overgaard Skylands, and learning more about each other. Hazel felt a deep connection to her, and when it came time for Hazel to return to her own herd, Hazel asked Willow-Whisp to accompany her and become her mate. She agreed, and the two returned to Herd Solace together.

Hazel still hopes to one day reunite with her lost parents, and hopes that one day she will meet them again on her travels through North of North.



Hazel's mate is Willow. They met when Hazel was travelling, and fell in love. Willow left her herd, following Hazel back to join hers.


Caolan is Hazel and Willow-Whisp's adoptive foal.


Hazel has many fond memories of her lost parents, and hopes to one day meet them again. She gets her love of travelling and boundless energy from them!

Inspirational Message

"Run, fly, dance, and find your freedom!"