Magical Horses

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The Magical Horses page featured the horse stables for all horses collected from card codes, as well as the horse Peter. The page would have many different horses and their respective card art from whatever card series they were activated from. Additional horse stables were also sometimes added from events.

List of Card Activated Horse Stables

Stable Types

Many stable types were available for various types of horses, but each stable had a few basic features in common, such as the ability to clean the stable, feed and water your horse, click the horse's picture on the wall to read their quote, and the ability to press a horseshoe for good luck. Additionally, if a horse had a magical friend or animal friend, there would be a pop-up banner near the top stating the name of that creature.[1]

The regular stables featured a basic brown wood stable. The options for horse care included changing the horse's hay, feeding them oats or apples, brushing their coat, picking their hooves, and seeing the horse's inspirational message and clicking a lucky horseshoe for good luck.

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The foal stables had similar functions to the regular stables, but had a pastel purple and white color scheme. However, these stables added the function of a family tree, and bottles for the baby horse to drink milk. A water or air horse stable for a filly will look similar to Air and Water stables, but again will add bottles and family tree.

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The Air Stables again had similar functions to a regular stable, but had some notable differences. One is that instead of hay, the air stable's floor is covered in leaves. Additionally, a set of wind chimes can be used to blow the leaves away instead of using a pitchfork. There is also a horn in the corner that plays a musical melody when clicked. The air horses also had apples and thistles instead of oats, and their water comes out of a trailing fountain.

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Water stables are the most unique of the stables. Some of their unique additions are the dry and regular brush, and eggs to feed the horse instead of regular horse food. The water in the water stables would become green like in a fish tank when dirty, and must be cleaned by clicking the blue orb that provides fresh water. Oxygen must also be refreshed by clicking the bubbles.

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  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.