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Fear not the dark, for there is where your light shines brightest.
This character is still under development!


His coat is sparkling black with a blanket of shifting red and orange hues like fire across his back. His mane is curly gold fading to dark purple and black. His white facial markings vaguely resembles a falling meteor, which helped inspire his name.


Though quiet, Meteor is a very courageous and caring horse. He will face danger and hardship with determination and bravery, with the love of not only his friends and family, but the whole of North of North, to drive him forward. He may fight against the forces of evil, but even those of the dark may find a place in his heart should they seek it.

Magical Gift

As a windwalker, Meteor can run and leap through the sky without the need for wings. He inherited this from his grandfather, Thunder. Meteor also has the special ability to summon a meteor shower, either as a harmless light show in the sky or a disastrous attack.


Callisto & Squall

Meteor's parents are Callisto and Squall. Though his parents aren't together, having been sweethearts for only a brief time, he has monumental respect and admiration for both.


Meteor's grandfather is the legendary horse Thunder. The two have only met a handful of times, but Thunder is possibly one of Meteor's biggest inspiration.


The terrifying dragon horse Genesis scared off many others in North of North, but not Meteor. He would find the stranger to be quite gentle and friendly, despite his appearance. The two would be fast friends. When Genesis formed his own herd, Meteor would become its patron.

Joan Dawnsinger

Joan is Meteor's closest human friend, who he has chosen as his rider. The two met at the Canter Hollow Stables when Meteor stayed there for a brief time, and Meteor was the first horse Joan ever rode.


Meteor's magical friend is the quasarcoatl, a draconic looking creature born from the Auroborus surrounding North of North.

Inspirational Message

"Fear not the dark, for there is where your light shines brightest."
