OC Editing Guide

From Bella Sara Wiki
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Bellasara icon.png This page is a part of the OC Wiki!: This is a fan created page for an original creation inspired by Bella Sara, and is not an official Bella Sara creation. Bellasara icon.png
Information on the page is copyrighted to the original creators and cannot be used, edited, or shared without permission from the creator and proper credit.

Here you can find some quick resources on where to get started. You can also check out the editing guide I uploaded on youtube if you need more information.

All Pages

All pages need to have an OC Wiki banner at the top. You can add this using

{{ocnotifbanner|artist=the original creators}}

. You can change the information after "artist=" to add your own name and credits. All pages also must have the category

[[Category:OC Wiki]]

on every page.


Categories are limited for OC pages. You MUST add

  • [[Category:OC Wiki]]
    to every page.

You can also add

  • [[Category:OC Horses]]
  • [[Category:OC Herds]]
  • [[Category:OC Magical Friends]]
  • [[Category:OC Characters]]
  • Fan herd categories (ex.
    [[Category:Herd Arcana]]
  • Artist tags with your credits (ex.

DO NOT add any official tags, like real canon herds, or card series tags. Only OC tags can be added

Horse Pages

To edit horse pages, you can use the OC Sample Horse for an example. The quickest way to make a new page is to copy all of the information from this page onto your own, and change the details.

To add an infobox use:


To add an inspirational quote box use:

{{ocmessage: MESSAGE HERE}}

Human Pages

Human pages are almost identical to Horse pages. You can use OC Sample Human as a reference.

To add an infobox, use:


To add a motto/quote box use:

{{ocmessage: MESSAGE HERE}}


Herd Pages

To make a herd page, see OC Sample Herd for examples and ideas. You are free to change, add, or edit the formula however you wish, however.

To add an infobox, use:


To add a motto quote box use:

{{ocmessage: MESSAGE HERE}}


Magical Friends

To make a magical friend page, see OC Sample Magical Friend for examples and ideas. You are free to change, add, or edit the formula however you wish, however.

To add an infobox, use:


To add a motto quote box use:

{{ocmessage: MESSAGE HERE}}



If you have any questions, editing needs, or ideas/requests to add to this wiki, please contact user bellasaraarchivist here, or use the wiki chat on discord!