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Look again. The most important things are often the hardest to see.


Oracle is first pictured in "Treasures" with a jet black coat and hooves with golden swirling patterns on her legs, neck, shoulders, and face. She has dark eyes, and a curly, pure-white mane and tail. This appearance is also constant in her Bella Sara Adventures appearance.[1]

In "Sunflowers", the golden swirls are replaced by white symbols that look like ruins covering her whole body, and her mane and tail are thick and wavy.


Oracle is very mysterious, and she has a knack for noticing details that others do not.

Magical Gift

Oracle's online stables depict her as a water horse, so she is able to swim and breath underwater. Oracle is also capable of harnessing the powers of the pool of reflection and can use it to see the future.[2]

The Name Game

The term oracle describes a priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy is sought. Oracles were most popular in Greek and Roman mythology but were present in other cultures as well.[3]

Bella Sara Adventures


Oracle's favorite food is ionic laurel.

Inspirational Message

Treasures Icon “Look again. The most important things are often the hardest to see.”

Sunflowers Icon “Kijk nog eens. De belangrijkste dingen zijn vaak het moeilijkste te zien.”

Treasures Icon “Regarde encore, regarde mieux ! Les choses les plus importantes sont souvent les plus difficiles à voir.”

Treasures Icon “Schau noch einmal hin! Die wichtigsten Dinge sind oft schwer zu erkennen.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Conrad S., Saling B. M., Hacker M. (2011). Emma and the Lost Herds Chapter 2, (pp. 34-44). Seattle, WA: Hidden City Entertainment. Retrieved from
  3. Oracle. (August 10, 2020). Retrieved August 15, 2020 from

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Sunflowers Icon Nutmeg

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