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Bellasara icon.png This page is a part of the OC Wiki!: This is a fan created page for an original creation inspired by Bella Sara, and is not an official Bella Sara creation. Bellasara icon.png
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A soft heart makes you a strong person. You will find your own cure to mend your broken heart.


Sage is a sturdy sooty perlino mustang unicorn, standing at 14hh, with a pale pink glowing horn, a leonine tail, and pink glitter in her hair. She is constantly surrounded by pink glowing butterflies and likes to pin wildflowers in her hair.


Sage comes across as extroverted, competitive and sassy at first but really, she is a soft, deeply altruistic and kind mare, with a love of helping others and a yearning for adventure.

Magical Gift

Sage understand the language of plants and their inherent magic, allowing her to use them to create potent remedies.


Mustang & Blossom

Sage's parents were two wild spirits with little time to spare for a filly, and little will to. The two of them parted ways on bad terms and Sage grew up within herd Mustang, where her father deemed everyone as family - therefore, everyone and anyone was entitled to take care of her. She rekindled her relationship with her mother as an adult when she travelled to herd Sunflower to train and is closer with her now, but she remains saddened by the fact that she hardly ever knew her father at all.


Sage's best friend and travelling companion. The two of them, and the horses they've recruited along the way, are on a mission to teach and protect the herds and small settlements how to defend themselves against the Wolfriders. The two have a sibling-like bond, bickering and sparring at times, but also sharing their feelings with each other.

The Name Game

Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a plant traditionally used in cooking and medicine, with a plethora of virtues.

