Secret Codes

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The secret codes page was, as the name implies, the place where card codes and horseshoe cards could be activated. There was a slot to type in the code, and after it was entered, the names of horses in your stable, the number of horseshoes received, and the various items and quests would be shown on the screen.

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Official Description

Activation Code

"Collecting and trading Bella Sara cards and using them to play games with your friends is fun in itself. Additionally, every Bella Sara card has a unique code printed on it that gives you access to an amazing virtual world. Just go to and type the code into the box that says 'activate cards', and that horse will be added to your virtual stable.

Once you have brought your horses to life online, you can care for and play with them, as well as explore the World of Bella Sara with its inspiring collection of games and activities. The symbols printed in the top right corner of your Bella Sara cards form the basis of several games you can play: look up the rules on the website and have fun!

Also, every time you activate a card, you will be credited with Horseshoes, the online currency of Bella Sara, to spend in the Bazaar on furnishings, pets and accessories for your cottage. The possibilities are endless."[1]

Card Lists

"The website keeps track of all your activated cards for you. Every card set has a list on the website for you to download, and the cards themselves each have a collector number printed on them to help you identify their rarity and where they fit into a series.

If you find yourself with duplicate cards, you may exchange them with friends or activate them purely for the Horseshoes. If you do wish to trade your duplicate cards, only trade cards that haven't been activated. Once a card is activated, it cannot be reactivated by someone else."[2]


  1. Information from The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.