Stickers Che Passione!

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Stickers Che Passione! ("Stickers, what a passion!") is a sticker and activity book published by Playpress in 2011. The book features a number of stickers, as well as a set of various backgrounds to place stickers on. [1] [2]


"Pensa positivo ogni giorno!"

Ciao amica e benvenuta nel fantastico mondo di Bella Sara ! Viaggia anche tu insieme alla regina de tutti i cavalli e scopri mondi affascinanti e incantati!

Attacca e stacca gli stickers sui diversi scenari del Nord di Nord e vivrai infinite avventure in compagnia di Bella! Monta in sella... la magia sta per iniziare!

“Think positive every day!” Hello friend and welcome to the fantastic world of Bella Sara! Travel together with the queen of all horses and discover fascinating and enchanting worlds! Attach and detach the stickers on the different scenarios of the North of North and you will experience endless adventures in the company of Bella! Get in the saddle... the magic is about to begin!



This page needs more information!

  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Images and info from Kayalexi