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Listen to the song of your spirit.


Trumbeau is a royal blue draft pegasus stallion with pale blue wings and dapples on his neck. His wings are small and pointed, and his light blue mane and tail are braided. He wears a dark cap on his head, and carries a small musical instrument, similar to a lute.


Trumbeau is very in tune with himself and his personality.[1]

Magical Gift

As Trumbeau is a pegasus and has wings, he can naturally fly. He also has a talent for music. His favorite instrument is his small lute-like instrument.

Inspirational Message

Moonfairies Icon “Listen to the song of your spirit.”

Moonfairies Icon “Naslouchej písni svého ducha.”

Moonfairies Icon “Ecoute la chanson de ton âme.”

Moonfairies Icon “Höre auf das Lied deiner Gedanken.”

Moonfairies Icon “Ascolta il canto del tuo spirito.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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