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Everybody is valuable, and everyone deserves to love and be loved.


Albion is a black and white pinto draft pegasus with a white mane and feathering and a black and white tail. His fairy-like wings are translucent mauve and yellow with black detailing. He leaves trails of glitter around him. He wears a glistening, bejeweled gold crown on his head and his herd's crest on a pendant around his neck. [1]


Albion is a gentle leader. He devotes his time to his family and herd, and he has deep compassion and love for all of the living creatures of North of North.

Magical Gift

As a pegasus, Albion is able to fly.



Ambrosia is Albion's mate and the queen of Herd Moonfairy. She is equally caring, and together they make a beloved royal couple. Albion and Ambrosia were some of the lost horses of Herd Moonfairy that were called home by Emma Roland and her friends.[2]


Sylphie is Albion and Ambrosia's filly and the princess of Herd Moonfairy.


Willownix is Albion and Ambrosia's colt and the prince of Herd Moonfairy.

The Name Game

Albion is a poetic name for Britain from ancient times meaning "white", "rock", or "crag". It is also the name used to describe the land that the legendary King Arthur ruled over.[3]

Inspirational Message

Moonfairies Icon “Everybody is valuable, and everyone deserves to love and be loved.”

Moonfairies Icon “Každý má svou cenu a zaslouží sí milovat a být milován.”

Moonfairies Icon “Iedereen is waardevol en iedereen verdient het om lien te hebben en geliefd te zijn.”

Moonfairies Icon “Chaque personne est précieuse, et chacun mérite d'aimer et d'être aimé.”

Moonfairies Icon “Jeder Mensch ist wertvoll, und jeder verdient es, geliebt zu werden und zu lieben.”

Moonfairies Icon “Ogni individuo è prezioso e ognuno merita di amare e di essere amato.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Fairy Globe, Lovers Reunited, Moonstone, Riding on Moonbeams, Feywynd Castle (Story), and Moonfairy Found (June 2010). Retrieved from "Moonfairies"
  3. Albion. (July 30, 2020). Retrieved August 5, 2020 from

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