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World peace starts when people think peaceful thoughts.


Alamar has a coat that reflects light like liquid gold. He has a long, pale yellow mane and tail and his golden hooves shine with brilliant yellow light. He wears the crest of Herd Moonfairy on a pendant around his neck. [1]


Despite his knighthood, Alamar would prefer to avoid as many fights as possible, asserting that his great skill in combat should only be used when absolutely necessary. He disapproves of the easily-aroused fighting spirit in some of the other horses of North of North and prefers peaceful methods instead.

The Name Game

Alamar's name means "covered with gold" in Arabic and "to the sea" in Spanish. Both descriptions fit his card image well.[2]

Inspirational Message

Moonfairy icon.png “World peace starts when people think peaceful thoughts.”

Moonfairy icon.png “Základem světového míru jsou mirové myšlenky lidi.”

Moonfairy icon.png “C'est en ayant des pensées pacifiques qu'on suscite la paix dans le monde.”

Moonfairy icon.png “Friede auf Erden beginnt mit Menschen, die friedvoll denken.”

Moonfairy icon.png “La pace nel mondo ha inizio dai pensieri pacifici di ogni persona.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Alamar. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from,to%20the%20sea%22%20in%20Spanish.

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