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Blossom & Posybird


When you do something wrong, learn from it and forgive yourself.


Bonnie has a mane and hair of leaves. The glow-eyed catkins keep rabbits away from grazing on Bonnie’s hair. Her body is a light brown with cream spots on her flank and face. She has a brown dorsal stripe as well. However, in her stable image, her coat is entirely chocolate brown.[1]


Bonnie learns from her mistakes and forgives herself for them.

Magical Gift

Bonnie has a kind of plant magic and is very close to living, growing plants.[2] 

The Name Game

"Bonny" also spelled as "Bonnie," is a Scottish term for an attractive or beautiful individual, and is also used as a pet name for a significant other, or as a term of endearment for a baby.[3]


Glow-Eyed Catkins

Bonnie's closest magical friends are the gentle Glow-eyed Catkins.

Inspirational Message

Magical Friends Icon “When you do something wrong, learn from it and forgive yourself.”

Magical Friends Icon “Quand tu fais une erreur, tires-en des leçons et pardonne-toi à toi-même.”

Magical Friends Icon “Quando fai qualcosa di sbagliato, impara dall'errore e non dispiacerti.”

Magical Friends Icon “Wenn du einen Fehler machst lerne aus ihm und vergib dir selbst.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Information Retrieved from Bellapedia Screenshot
  3. Bonny. Retrieved August 7, 2020 from

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