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The world's happiness comes from having happy thoughts.


Cajus is a brown and white striped hippocampus. His coloring is similar to a lionfish, and he has many tiny fins across his body. He wears orange body armor matching that of his triton friend.[1][2]


Cajus knows that the power of the individual to make up one’s own mind is almost unlimited. Concentrating on positive feelings and beliefs is the antidote to fear and sadness.



Cajus has a triton friend whose name is unknown. Tritons are merfolk, which are rarely seen in North of North.[3]

The Name Game

Cajus may refer to the Nordic name which means "to rejoice."[1] It may also refer to a moth with similar coloring to Cajus, named Theretra Cajus.[4]

Inspirational Message

Danish Wise Warriors Icon “The world's happiness comes from having happy thoughts.”

Second Series Icon “Tout le bonheur du monde vient des pensées heureuses.”

Second Series Icon “Alle Freude der Welt entsteht aus glücklichen Gedanken.”

Second Series Icon “La felicità del mondo proviene dai pensieri positivi di ognuno di noi.”



  1. 1.0 1.1 Cajus. Retrieved August 7, 2020 from,or%20Cai%E2%80%9D%2C%20meaning%20unknown.
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Information Retrieved from Bella Sara Magical Horses. (August 9, 2011). Retrieved from Screenshot
  4. Theretra cajus. (February 5, 2020). Retrieved August 7, 2020 from

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