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Life is a gift. Receive it and love it.


Bello is an immortal stallion with a glowing black coat and midnight black flowing mane. He is a sleek horse with a slender build and a regal flair. His mane and tail are curly like a Friesian's.[1]


Bello appreciates life and helps others see the good in it. He helps those who can't see what a gift life is. Bello is always grateful for the gifts life has given him, especially for Bella and Bellisimo. He is also very kindhearted. [2]



Bello is mated to Bella, Queen of all North of North. Because of his mate's title, he may be considered High King of All North of North. However, this title is never explicitly stated. He loves his mate Bella, and they have a loving relationship. They were together before Sara even arrived, and Bello, like Bella, was the first magical steed created by Sara. They have both stayed together ever since, and still enjoy romantic activities together, such as dancing, seeing as they were dance partners during Bella's Ball.[3] They met each other at a lake, fell in love at first sight, and combined their respective herds to form Herd Bellasara.[4] Bello is Bella's true love and companion.[2]

Bellisimo and Bellissa

Bella and Belo also have two foals, Bellisimo and Bellissa.

The Name Game

Bello is an Italian and Spanish name meaning "handsome" or "beautiful." It is also a nickname for a handsome man.[5]


Bello is claimed to be "the most popular horse in the Bella Sara game]]. However, it is unclear what metrics this is measured by. [6]

Bella Sara Adventures


Bello's favorite food is strawberry.

Inspirational Message

Danish Gold Icon “Life is a gift. Receive it and love it.”
Baby Bella Icon “Life is a gift. Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Život je dar. Přijmi ho a měj ho ráda.”

Bella's Ball Icon “Het leven is een geschenk. Neem het aan en heb het leven lief.”

Second Series Icon “La vie est un cadeau. Sache le recevoir et l’apprécier à sa juste valeur.”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Das Leben ist ein Geschenk. Nimm es an und liebe es.”
Baby Bella Icon “Das Leben ist ein Geschenk. Spüre die Freude und Energie, die es dir bringt.”

Second Series Icon “La vita è un dono. Accettalo e prenditene cura.”
Baby Bella Icon “La vita é un dono. Senti le vibrazioni di gioia e di energia che ti porta.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon "Poczuj plynącą z tego radość i energię."

Second Series Icon “La vida es un regalo. Recíbelo y aprécialo.”
Bella's Ball Icon “La vida es un gran regalo. Valóralo y aprovéchalo.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Information from The Ultimate Sticker Collection.
  3. Gott C., Conard S., Boozer M., Hacker M., Saling B. M. (2009). The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide Updated Version (pp. 28) New York, NY: HarperCollins. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from
  4. Information Retrieved from Baby Bella Storybook Screenshot
  5. Bello (surname). (July 24, 2020). Retrieved August 6, 2020 from,gave%20rise%20to%20the%20surname.
  6. The Ultimate Guide to Trading Card Games. Michael G. Ryan. Pg. 55

Previous in Series Next in Series

Danish Copper Icon None
First Series Icon Bellisimo
Second Series Icon Bellisimo
Northern Lights Icon Bella
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Bella
Baby Bella Icon Bellisimo
Treasures Icon Bellisimo
Bella's Ball Icon Bella
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Bellissa

Danish Copper Icon Birdy
First Series Icon Fiona
Second Series Icon Cajus
Northern Lights Icon Bifrost
Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon Bifrost
Baby Bella Icon Beran & Rosebriar
Treasures Icon Bryda
Bella's Ball Icon Bryda
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Beran

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