Canter Farms

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Connected To
Canter DownsThe Fountain Plaza • Canter Farms Stable • Canter Farms Cottage

Canter Farms Map


Canter Farms was the area your character began her journey in Bella Sara Adventures. It included the Canter Farm Stables, where you could raise chibi horses and take care of them, a well, a small bridge, and your cottage, a large square room where you can place furniture and items. It also contained many plots for gardening.[1]

Characters You Will Meet


Wings is the first character you meet in this game. His favourite food is pinwheel daisies. He teaches you how to grow plants, make dye, and take care of a horse by feeding it its favourite food.

He also teaches you how to fix the bridge to continue your journey by giving you tassel corn and making a mortar. He will assist you in various other adventures as well.

Cade Traveler

Cade Traveler runs the stables in Trails End. He can help with a number of different adventures.

A Pixie

A Pixie is by the well and can give you pixie dust.

Starstone Otter

This otter gives you a Starstone so you can talk to animals. She is trapped in a cage because of Ivenna's wolf, who is guarding the cage. The Starstone Otter will give you a Steak Mushroom seed to plant for the wolf.

Ivenna's Wolf

One of Ivenna's evil wolves. This wolf is guarding the Starstone Otter, but is hungry. When given a Steak Mushroom, he falls asleep and lets the key to the cage fall to the ground.


Ginger is part of the new foal adventure BSA#-FOAL-CARE given out by Bella Sara. Ginger is a palomino coloured horse who you need to take care of. She needs hay, water, an apple, her blue teddy bear, and her friend Tyler, which are all found on Canter Farms except for the apple seeds (in Bagatella Row) and Tyler (in Canter Downs).

The Name Game

Canter Farms is also known as Canter Stables in various lore.



Pixie Dust



Dye Machine



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.