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Imagine yourself as a winner and you will grow and flower.


Cayenne is a beautiful reddish-copper mare with dapples of darker red all over her body. Her mane and tail are reddish-brown with scarlet highlights, and have white blossoms woven into them. Her hooves and muzzle are deep brown, and there is an image of a red pepper on her front left leg.


Cayenne is very competitive and outgoing. She loves to be the first to do anything and sometimes even drags her rider, Johan, around! Cayenne is very flashy and has many stallions who admire her.[1]

Magical Gift

Cayenne is a Spice Horse. She can replicate the scents of anything she eats. She can also run faster and longer than an average horse and use plants to travel through. This ability is called "plantwalking."[2]


Johan Bloom

Johan is Cayenne's rider. He can summon her with a small bottle of cayenne spices. He throws a handful of the powder into the wind, and Cayenne appears. They became friends after Johan worked with The Travellers.[3]

The Name Game

Cayenne is named after the mildly hot Cayenne Pepper which is often used in cooking.

Bella Sara Adventures


Cayenne's favorite food is spiceberry.

Inspirational Message

Sunflowers Icon “Imagine yourself as a winner and you will grow and flower.”

Sunflowers Icon “Il faut que tu te voies comme une gagnante pour pouvoir grandir et t'épanouir comme une fleur.”

Sunflowers Icon “Stell dir vor, dass du ein Sieger bist. Dann wirst du wachsen und aufblühen.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Conrad S., Saling B. M., Hacker M. (2011). Emma and the Lost Herds Chapters 3 and 7, (pp. 53-56, 194-95). Seattle, WA: Hidden City Entertainment. Retrieved from
  3. Cont. (pp. 53-56)

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