Cloud Spirit

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When dark rainclouds cry, don't feel sad. Soon, flowers will paint the world with their bright colors.


The cloud spirit is a giant white steed made entirely of fluffy, cumulus clouds. Lightning sparks from its hooves.[1]

The Name Game

In Russia, the Cloud Spirit is called "Духа Грозы", which translates to "The Spirit of Thunder".

Inspirational Message

Summer Camp Icon “When dark rainclouds cry, don't feel sad. Soon, flowers will paint the world with their bright colors.”

Summer Camp Icon “Nebuď smutná, když prší z temných mraků. Květiny brzy rozjasní svět svými barvami.”

Summer Camp Icon “Quand les nuages se mettent à pleurer, ne sois pas triste. Bientôt, les fleurs viendront éclairer le monde d'une myriade de couleurs.”

Summer Camp Icon “Не печалься! После дождя будет солнце, а вслед за зимой пыдет весна.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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