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Choose a worthy goal and go after it with all your heart.


Corcel is a handsome dapple-gray stallion. Corcel has a rich cactus green mane and tail, and full-black stockings on his legs, while his hooves are a deep evergreen and glimmer with a kind of polish. His wings are lime green and are very similar to dragon wings - he even seems to have the remnants of claws between the stretched skin. Corcel wears a lush green knight's gown trimmed with golden silk kept on by black leather straps around his abdomen. There is a yellow Airistos symbol embroidered on the side of the gown. The gown reaches down his chest and is quite symmetrical, giving him a medieval air. His facial features show typical Spanish-horse traits, with the bowed muzzle and high cheekbones, along with the smaller ears.[1]


Corcel is an extremely hard-working stallion. Corcel loves to get the job done and always goes the extra mile to complete the job.

Magical Gift

Corcel can fly very well, as most Airistos horses.

The Name Game

Corcel means "steed" in Portuguese.[2]

Inspirational Message

Royalty Icon “Choose a worthy goal and go after it with all your heart.”

Royalty Icon “Choisis un noble but et consacre-toi à cet objectif de tout ton cœur.”

Royalty Icon “Such dir ein würdiges Ziel und verfolge es von ganzem Herzen.”

Royalty Icon “Scelgi un obiettivo meritevole e lotta con tutto il cuore per ottenerlo.”



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. "Corcel" in English. Retrieved August 8, 2020 from

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