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Sometimes help comes from the most unlikely places.


Coral is a gorgeous water-horse mare with lovely ruby-colored scales and a silky, flowing mane of the same color. She has a rather short head, a tapered body, and a wide, flimsy tail where her hind legs should be.

Along her tail, another fin sprouts from where her hindquarters would approximately be. Her eyes are lashed with heavy, black lashes to match her eyes, which are a dark black, but that sparkle with warmth. She wears a circlet of light blue beads around her head with a large, opaque pearl that resembles a turtle upon her forehead.

According to Jennifer L Meyer, her interpretation of Coral's design was inspired by her own red Betta Fish. [1][2]


Coral is a very kind, compassionate mare willing to help anyone, as long as their motives are pure. She is rather curious and fun-loving and is known for abandoning her post as Lady of Herd Islandar to explore the sea.[3]

Magical Gift

In the book Coral and the Pearl Diver, it is revealed that she can help humans breathe underwater when they are riding her.[4] 


Edana and Treasure

Coral's is King Treasure and Queen Edana's niece, making her a lady. She is related to the queen.[5]

Glimmer Eels

Coral's closest magical friends are the Glimmer Eels. They enjoy swimming together under the water, the glimmer eels lighting the way for coral in darker areas of the sea.


Coral is friends with Kona, and even went to Bella's Ball with him. 

Bella Sara Adventures


Coral's favorite food is fairy squash.


Coral's chibi code unlocks the adventure "Making a Seashell Shirt."

Inspirational Message

Royalty Icon “Sometimes help comes from the most unlikely places.”

Bella's Ball Icon “Hulp komt soms uit een onverwachte boek.”

Royalty Icon “Parfois, on reçoit de l’aide de la façon la plus inattendue.”

Royalty Icon “Manchmal hilft dir der, von dem du es am wenigsten erwartest.”

Royalty Icon “A volte troverai aiuto dove meno te l'aspetti.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “A volte un aiuto proviene da dove meno te lo aspetti.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Czasami pomoc przychodzi z najmniej spodziewanej strony.”

Bella's Ball Icon “A veces la ayuda viene de los sitios más inesperados.”





  1. Information from J L Meyer
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Brown F., Jakubowski N. (August 25, 2009). Coral and the Pearl Diver. New York, NY: Harper Collins.
  4. Coral Cont. Chapter 4.
  5. Cont. Chapter 9.

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The Best of Bella Sara Icon Deru & Twig
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