Eastrin Mustangs

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The Eastrin Mustangs card features a group of mustangs riding across the plains.[1]

Promo Info

"Summer Camp"

The Eastrin Mustangs is a Promo Card from the "Summer Camp" series. When activated, a random horse from Herd Mustang would appear in the user's stables.

In North America, the card could only be purchased through the old Bella Sara Online Store for $4.50.[2]

The card could also be found in issue 12 of the Czech Bella Sara Magazine.



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Eastrin Mustangs Promo Card. (Aug 16, 2011). Retrieved on September 9, 2020 from https://web.archive.org/web/20110816064855/http://shop.bellasara.com/Bella-Sara-Eastrin-Mustangs-Promo/dp/B004YDSLN2

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