Regular Horse

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A regular horse is any horse in North of North that doesn't fit into other categories. They tend to resemble regular earth horses, however, they may also come in various other colors and types!

Magical Gift

Although regular horses most likely don't have a special outward gift, they, like all horses from North of North, are much smarter than earth's horses. They also have the innate ability to connect to the magic of North of North.[1]


Land horses live closest to humans, and often choose to live in stables. They may also live in the wild and sleep under the stars or in caves. But all land horses are the most friendly with humans and are open to living and working with them.[2]

List of Horses

Click here to see the complete list of all Regular Horses.


  1. Information from The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.