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Feral is the founder and true leader of the vicious Wolf Riders. An eternal enemy of the goddess Sara, she desires the magic of horses so that she can rule all North of North.[1]


Feral is a pale woman with prominent cheekbones, black lips, and yellow-green eyes. Her long blond hair is unkept and on her head is a spiky silver crown. She wears silver earrings, a red cape with a furred collar kept in place by a silver wolf emblem, flowing brown arm wraps, a crudely-stitched low-cut dress and belt embellished with blue gems, and thigh-high leather boots.


Feral is evil and cruel. Ever since the beginning of North of North's history, she has lurked in the shadows, hungry for the magic that exists in the magical horses blessed by the goddess Sara. She is easily angered and killed Sara's parents in rage after the youth thwarted her plan to capture the first generation of magical horses. As clever as she is cruel, Feral managed to entice members of the original Valkyries to follow her and turn to a life of savageness. [2]

Magical Gift

Feral is capable of her own magic, although it is dark magic and limited in its uses.


Feral has long desired the magic of the horses of North of North, because it is more powerful than her own magic and would allow her to rule North of North for herself.

Feral tried to tempt the First Generation of horses to join her, but they scorned the power she offered. But Feral was not going to give up, and she set up a trap to capture the whole herd at once. When all of the horses suddenly disappeared, Sara became suspicious and began searching for her dear friends. Finally, she found them --to her shocked and horrified disbelief-- in chains! Sara hurried to free them, unaware that she was being watched by a wolf.

The wolf told Feral about Sara and what she had done. This so enraged her that she was ready to kill the goddess. However, Sara had already used her magic to hide herself and the horses from Feral and her powers. Since Feral couldn't find her, she took her revenge out by killing Sara's parents, and with that wicked act, became the eternal enemy of Sara and her horses.

Meanwhile, Feral and her minions searched in vain for the goddess and the horses. After discovering them with the caregivers, Feral joined the group secretly to try and capture the horses once again. However, she was unable to convince the caregivers to hand the horses over to her, although she was able to pull some caregivers away from the group. These women joined her and were given wolf mounts, becoming part of the wolf-riders. After this, Feral fought with the caregivers and Sara, but was ultimately unsuccessful.

In modern tales, Feral is not mentioned much, instead being replaced by Ivenna. It is unsure what happened to her, although it is known she is not dead. It is assumed she is laying low, simply waiting for the right time to enact her next plan.



Feral's sister is Ivenna, but they do not get along well. Feral wants to rule North of North and the Wolf Rider's for herself, but Ivenna thinks that she should head this grim tribe of women.



  1. Gott C., Conard S., Boozer M., Hacker M., Saling B. M. (2009). The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide Updated Version (pp. 13-14, 16-17, 22). New York, NY: HarperCollins. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from https://bellasara.com/
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.