The Valkyries

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The Valkyries are a sisterhood of immortal women who protect the mortals of various worlds. Originally founded by the goddess Sara and led by Sigga, the Valkyries once thrived as they looked after the people and horses of North of North. After Sigga's banishment, the sisterhood weakened and turned its back on North of North.

The Caregivers

During the time that the first generation of horses blessed by Sara, there were a group of women known as Caregivers. These women traveled North of North helping the needy. One day a Caregiver by the name of Mitka Rolanddotter and her daughter Sigga came across Bella, who led them to a crying Sara who was mourning her parents. The two followed Bella to the Sacred Seclusion and comforted Sara, who informed them of the cause of her grief. The kind Mitka invited Sara to come with them and help others in need. Sara accepted, and from that moment, Mitka, her husband and Sigga became the goddess' new family.

Progressively, after adopting Sara, the First Generation horses began arriving at the Rolanddotter's home, and the family also took them in and Sara taught Sigga all that she knew about these magnificent equines. Soon, however, the number of horses overwhelmed the Rolanddotter's small farm and they could no longer care for all of them. So, Sara advised that they give the horses to the other Caregivers. The Caregivers, themselves, were overjoyed; now they could travel even further distances much more quickly to help those in need. The Caregivers soon became expert horsewomen and their reputation and grew as the years passed. [1]

The Split in the Sisterhood of Caregivers

Eventually, the evil Feral heard word of the Caregiver's fame, and secretly joined the group. She was waiting for a chance to steal the horses. When Mitka died, Sigga (now a grown woman), was supposed to be the new leader of the Caregivers. However, the vile Feral got the sisterhood arguing over who should be in charge. Then, she offered her giant wolves as more powerful mounts for any of the sisterhood who was willing to follow her. The women who agreed abandoned their horses and became Wolf Riders. However, Sigga and many others resisted and declined, so Feral commanded the Wolf Riders to take them by force.

Sigga and the other Caregivers escaped, but the Wolf Riders soon tracked them down. The Wolf Riders had the Caregivers cornered at the edge of a huge cliff. When all looked lost, Sara flew down on Bella and all of the Caregivers' horses grew wings! Feral was furious as the Caregivers mounted their horses and flew off out of her evil grasp. Ever since then, Feral and her Wolf Riders have struggled to bring down the Caregivers. [1][2]

Becoming Valkyries

After their fight with Feral, Sara graciously gave the Caregivers a beautiful floating castle called Hestheim to use as their new home. She informed them that their horses would always have their wings. The goddess also granted them immortality and gave them a new name: The Valkyrie Sisterhood. From then on, their duty was to seek out and inspire heroes willing to protect the weak from cruel villains like Feral. The Valkyries called these things "Sara's Gift".

Each Valkyrie chose a mortal world to protect and search for heroes. The also began writing the history of their accomplishments and adventures in books given by Sara called Ballads. The Valkyrie Sisterhood swore to remain united in their mission by following the oaths of the Sisterhood:

i) Always revere Sara's Gift

ii) Fulfill your own potential so you can help others fulfill theirs

iii) Discover and inspire heroes to protect your world

iv) Preserve the history of the Valkyries and their worlds at all costs

The now immortal women of the Valkyrie Sisterhood soon realized that their horses' new wings were only the beginnings of Sara's Gift. Their steeds could change shape: using their wings to soar through the air, or sprouting fins to delve into the seas. As a symbol of Sara's love for the Rolanddotter family, these horses held a greater purpose and majesty than the other horses Sara influenced.

Sigga Rolanddotter, the leader of the Valkyries, loved horses so much, that she chose North of North as her world to protect. Sara was overjoyed by Sigga's choice and gave her a huge stretch of beautiful land that had originally belonged to Sara's parents. Sigga built a magnificent castle overlooking the land and began filling its stables with wonderous, magical horses. Caring for the horses reminded her of her childhood when she and Sara worked with the horses on her farm. Sigga decided to create a welcoming haven for both people and horses and named her estate Trail's End. [1]

The End of the Valkyrie Era

After Sigga's fall, the Valkyrie Sisterhood turned its back on North of North, and the once-great estate at Trail's End fell into dark times. Generations of stewards did their best to maintain the castle and its grounds, but until the return of Sigga's heir the area remained uncared for, and North of North unprotected. [3]

Winter Festival

For Winter Festival, the Valkyries travel all over North of North bringing treats to every child in the land. Mother Comfort and her citrustack friends work for months to make enough sweets for everyone. And the Valkyries always know which treat each child likes best. [4] 

The Ballad

A poem exists about the Valkyries:

"O, sing with me, sisters, here in our hall,/ In North of North beyond Bella's Lights!/ Sing once more the history of heroes,/ And tell the story of our birthright./ We are the Valkyries, the sisters of Sigga,/ Brave sky-riders on magical steeds./ soar on the wings of a thousand worlds/ In search of the heroes are destiny needs./ All great stories of glorious adventure/ Begin with Valkyries, who must inspire/ Our heroes to find the wisdom and courage/ Their noble quests will soon require./ And when our heroes return victorious,/ Their tales of adventure we carefully write/ on gold-edged pages in our Ballads,/ Memories of valour immortal and bright./ So sing, my sisters,/ of friendship and honor./ Sing of our duty, done wisely and well./ Sing a salute to the next rising hero,/ Whose story we all are most eager to tell." [5]

The Valkyries: Past and Present

The most famous past Valkyrie was Sigga. Her heir, Emma, is now the most known Valkyrie in North of North. There are supposedly many Valkeries. However, the only other known Valkryie is Tyri. \

A few other Valkyries are named brief;y, and each have their own specific crests and symbols. These Valkryies are[6]:

  • Valda: A willowy, white haired, woman. Her symbol is long white feather.
  • Haldis: A short, stocky, plump woman with a round face and coiled brown hair. Her symbol is a golden sphere.
  • Thessa: A short, mousy haired, woman. She is the shortest Valkyrie. Her symbol is a pine branch.
  • Runa: A pale, dark haired woman wearing black sleeveless tunic. She is described as radiating darkness. Her symbol is a burning candle.
  • Rianna: A giant, golden haired woman wearing black armor. Her symbol is a jeweled dagger.
  • Unnamed: A raven haired woman with silver armor, a shield, and spear.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Gott C., Conard S., Boozer M., Hacker M., Saling B. M. (2009). The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide Updated Version (pp. 15-18) New York, NY: HarperCollins. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Cont. (pp.38)
  4. Information Retrieved from Starlights card Festival Treats
  5. Brown F., Jakubowski N. (December 23, 2008). Valkrist's Flight. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
  6. Brown F., Jakubowski N. (December 23, 2008). Valkrist's Flight. New York, NY: HarperCollins.