Feywynd Castle

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The Castle

The castle is situated in the heart of Herd Moonfairies territory, and is as magical as the fairies themselves. The castle rises up out of the magical landscape in hues of deep purple to light purple. It is designed to appear to be a giant geode of crystals at first glance, but is actually a fully functioning castle made of crystals. The castle was shaped by fairy magic. [1]

The castle stands underneath the magical sky where familiar celestial bodies can be seen shining down their starlight on it and making the crystals sparkle.[2]

Occupants of Feywynd Castle

Many of the horses in Herd Moonfairy live at Feywynd Castle. For instance, you can find many of the herd's royalty there, such as King Albion and his Queen, Ambrosia. There are also other magical friends that live there, such as pixies, who make their home in the enchanted mushrooms that surround the castle.

From time to time, the fairy kings and queens from the Fairy Court may also visit with their steeds, who are also members of Herd Moonfairy.



  1. Gott C., Conard S., Boozer M., Hacker M., Saling B. M. (2009). The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide Updated Version (pp. 53) New York, NY: HarperCollins. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from https://bellasara.com/
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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