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It's okay to make a mistake. Just do your best to fix it.


Garnet is a red-colored stallion with a golden mane and tail. His hooves appear to be bronze in some photographs and pure black in others. His body is covered in different shades of red and black splotches. In his Adventures art, the splotches are lighter, with oranges and yellows, and glittering, as though he is cut from stone. He also wears a dark blue cape and a small crown to Bella's Ball.[1]


Garnet isn't afraid to fail or make mistakes. He knows that mistakes can be a good thing as long as he works to better himself. He also knows that failure is a chance for him to learn something new.[2]



Garnet is good friends with Diamond and even went to Bella's Ball with her as a dance partner.

Bella Sara Adventures


Garnet's favorite food is fire tulips.

Inspirational Message

Bella's Ball Icon “It's okay to make a mistake. Just do your best to fix it.”

Bella's Ball Icon “Cela arrive à tout le monde de faire des erreurs. Fais de ton mieux pour les réparer.”

Bella's Ball Icon “Es ist okay, wenn man mal einen Fehler macht. Versuche ihn so gut wie möglich auszubessern.”

Bella's Ball Icon “Es normal equivocarse. Pero intenta arreglarlo lo major posible.”



  1. Gender Confirmed by Partners Spanish Bella's Ball Card.
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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