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There will always be more ways to see the world.


Gherkin is a mostly green unicorn with a forest green mane and tail that look like they're made of tiny leaves. Their hooves have no detail; instead, they blend into their stockings which appear to be wood-like. Their eyes are a soft liquid brown, and they have a darker green dorsal stripe along their back. Their horn looks like three twigs twined together, and it has a small glowing ball of magic at the end of it.[1]


Gherkin always looks for multiple ways to see any situation or problem. They always want to see all sides of any story and learn whatever they can from any situation.

Magical Gift

It appears that Gherkin can release balls of glowing light from their horn.


Green Fairy King

Gherkin is the Green Fairy King's steed. They take this magical king wherever he wants or needs to be.

The Name Game

A gherkin is another word for pickle.[2]

Inspirational Message

Moonfairies Icon “There will always be more ways to see the world.”

Moonfairies Icon “Il faut toujours chercher à voir le monde sous des angles inédits.”

Moonfairies Icon “Es gibt immer mehrere Arten, die Welt zu sehen.”

Moonfairies Icon “Ci saranno sempre molti punti di vista da cui vedere il mondo.”



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Pickled cucumber. (August 5, 2020). Retrieved August 9, 2020 from

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