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I will embrace you with extra energy and magic. Then you don't have to be afraid.


Flipper is a purple hippocampus stallion with a dark pink serpentine tail. His fin is thin and transparent. His shaggy mane is a very dark purple, almost black.[1]

In "Bella's Ball" and later appearances, he has various seashells and sea life decorating his mane.


Flipper enjoys lending his strength and magic to those around him. He's always eager to help a friend!

He is a handsome water horse who likes to make friends. However, he is skittish of humans. You have to approach him with food to get him to come close. Flipper’s favorite food is a sea cucumber, which he loves because it’s fresh and crunchy.

Sometimes Flipper goes on long solitary voyages where he watches the people of the islands fish and dive for pearls from their sturdy outrigger canoes.[2]

Magical Gift

Flipper can swim and breathe underwater!


Janie and Murttie

Flipper has two fillies, Janie and Murttie.


Flipper's mate is Ondine. Together they have two fillies.

Bella Sara Adventures


Flipper's favorite food in the game is raspberry.

Inspirational Message

Danish Silver Icon “I will embrace you with extra energy and magic. Then you don't have to be afraid.”
Baby Bella Icon “Make every day an adventure! It will embrace you with extra energy.”

Bella's Ball Icon "Ik zal je omarmen met extra energie en magie zodat je niet bang hoeft te zijn."

Second Series Icon “Je te donnerai toute mon énergie et ma magie. Alors tu n’auras plus rien à craindre.”
Baby Bella Icon “Considère chaque jour comme une nouvelle aventure et tu seras pleine d’énergie !”

Second Series Icon “Ich hülle dich in Energie und Magie. Du brauchst keine Angst mehr zu haben.”
Baby Bella Icon “Jeder Tag ist ein Abenteuer! Lass dich auf ihn ein, er wird dich überraschen.”

Second Series Icon “Con il mio abbraccio ti darò nuova energia e una grande magia. Non dovrai più avere paura.”
Baby Bella Icon “Rendi ogni giorno un'avventura! Ti abbreccerà con nuova energia.”
Moonfairies Icon “Ti abbraccerò con più energia e ti donerò più magia. Così non dovrai avere paura.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Ti abbraccerò con energia e magia. Non avrai più motivo di avere paura.”

Bella's Ball Icon “Te dotaré de energia y magia adicional. Así no tendrás nada que temer.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Bella Sara Magical Horses. (January 10, 2012). Retrieved August 9, 2020 from https://www.facebook.com/Bella-Sara-Magical-Horses-113038148761850/photos/a.113076728757992/259034747495522

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Danish Silver Icon Flame
Second Series Icon Fiona
Baby Bella Icon Flame & Nike
Bella's Ball Icon Flame
Moonfairies Icon Fiona
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Flame

Danish Silver Icon Flower
Second Series Icon Freja
Baby Bella Icon North American Numbering Janie International Numbering Harmony
Bella's Ball Icon Flora
Moonfairies Icon Gherkin
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Flora

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