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If you're happy you should show it!


Jolly is minty green with four white socks and a white blaze. Her mane and tail are short and choppy. Her outer wings resemble a music note, with a pink base and orange and yellow feathers.

In "Winter Festival", Jolly's mane is changed to be more smooth, and her wings a sold pink with orange and yellow trim.


Jolly is a born musician. She loves music with all her heart.[1]

Magical Gift

She can turn any sounds into an amazing array of songs.

Inspirational Message

Danish Silver Icon “The sun is shining on you and me. Let us play with the music.”
Winter Festival Icon “If you're happy you should show it!”

Winter Festival Icon “Quand tu es heureuse, montre-le !”

Winter Festival Icon"Pokaż wszystkim swoje szczęście!"

Winter Festival Icon “Не стесняйся радоваться от души!”



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.

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Danish Silver Icon Jojo
Winter Festival Icon Jewel

Danish Silver Icon Joy
Winter Festival Icon Jubilee

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