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A heart that loves is forever young.


Jubilee is a fiery pegasus mare. Her body is made of fire, and she seems to be encased in a fiery shadow, with her head, legs, wings, mane, and tail glowing brightly light. Her head is tiny and pointed, and her flowing, fiery mane and tail are small and whispy. Her wings are large and fan out magnificently in a feathery display. She has a lot of wispy, fiery feathering and is a draft horse. She has a proudly arched neck and a regal demeanor. Her legs and body are muscular, and her eyes are a blaring amber. All in all, she is a breathtaking display.[1]


She has a love of darkness, as it best shows off her light. She is a very regal and proud Queen, with a personality much too unique to be matched by anyone.

Magical Gift

Jubilee can fly, and she has amazing fiery abilities that match her appearance.



Jubilee's mate is Frostfire, and together they rule over Herd Elemyn.

Noel and Silver

Jubliee has one filly, Noel, and one colt, Silver.


Jubilee is friends with a fiery phoenix, who seems to share her love of the shadows. He loves to fly and sends off a sparkling display that makes everyone stop and watch. He has a body to match her coat, with him being made from fire and lava. They are both eye-catching displays.

The Name Game

The word "jubilee" means to hold a special anniversary of an event, usually every 25 or 50 years. In Judaism, the concept celebrates a year of emancipation and restoration and happens every 50 years.[2]

Inspirational Message

Winter Festival Icon “A heart that loves is forever young.”

Winter Festival Icon “Les cœur qui aime reste toujours jeune.”

Winter Festival Icon "Serce pełne miłości na zawsze pozastaje młode."

Winter Festival Icon “Любящее сердце никогда не стареет.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Jubilee. (August 4, 2020). Retrieved August 14, 2020 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jubilee

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