La soeur d'Adeline

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La soeur d'Adeline is a French exclusive novel released in 2014. Little is known about this release. [1]


"Adeline est desesperee: sa petite soeur Carolina, qui n'est encore qu'un bebe, est atteinte d'une etrange maladie: au fil des jours, sa peau verdit, elle se transforme... Chumash, la pouliche aquatique, entend la detresse d'Adeline et lui propose son aide. Ensemble, elles partent pour une extraordinaire quete sous-marine!"

"Adeline is desperate! Her little sister Carolina, who is still just a baby, is suffering from a strange disease. As the days go by, her skin turns green. Chumash, the aquatic filly, hears Adeline's distress and offers to help. Together, they go on an extraordinary underwater quest!"



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.