Le cirque de Pam

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Le cirque de Pam is a French exclusive novel released in 2014. Little is known about this release.[1]


"Pam est la meilleur dompteuse du crique de M. Blackmore. Elle comprend les animaux mieux que quiconque, et elle prefererait les voir en liberte... mais c'est compter sans le mauvais caractere du directeur du crique! Pourtant, tout va changer lorsque, une nuit, Pam fait la rencontre d'un magnifique cheval de feu..."

"Pamela is the best animal tamer in Mr. Blackmore's circus. She understands the animals better than anyone, and she would prefer to see them free... but the circus' director has a horrible temper. However, everything changes, one night, when Pam meets a magnificent fire horse."


  • Flame
  • Mr. Blackmore
  • Pamela



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.