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Love turns a simple gift into a lasting treasure.


Lily is white with pale gray freckles on her back and nose. She has a long pale gray mane and tail. Halfway down her forelock, purple beads separate four small locks. Small periwinkle flowers also decorate her forelock. There is a red rose between Lily's ears. Lily's eyes are light blue, and her muzzle is light pink. [1]

In her stable art, the tips of her mane and tail are tinged pink, and the freckles on her back are small pale pink hearts.[2]


Lily gives gifts to everyone she knows for any special occasion at all! Even though they often don't make sense initially, they are given with love and usually make more sense later.

The Name Game

Lilium, more commonly known as the lily, is a flower that grows from bulbs to produce large flowers in various colors with five large, curling petals. The lily is often used in many cultures as a flower for funerals and mourning and is also associated with the holiday of Easter and with purity. [3]

Promo Info


Lily's English promo card can be found in Scandinavian 2010 "Moonfairies" Keepsake Tins.

German Lily Promos can be found in Ravensburger Puzzleball.

Inspirational Message

Treasures Icon "Love turns a simple gift into a lasting treasure."

Treasures Icon ""Durch Liebe wird aus einem einfachen Geschenk ein Schatz."



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. "Lily". Retrieved August 3, 2020 from
  3. Lilium. (July 19, 2020). Retrieved August 15, 2020 from

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