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Bellasara icon.png This page is a part of the OC Wiki!: This is a fan created page for an original creation inspired by Bella Sara, and is not an official Bella Sara creation. Bellasara icon.png
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"Being around people you love is nothing that gold can buy."


This Arabian Thoroughbred cross has a cream coloured coat with specs of dark tones. She has a chestnut coloured mane and tail and also has a white marking covering most of her forehead down to her muzzle, she also has brown hooves.

She loves wearing gold on her necklace and her legs.


She is very kind and stubborn at times. Her job in the herd is to help decorate newcomers or travellers in gold that she finds matches them and their presence, which she learnt when attending Iyana's school of Jewellery. She is now one of the highest reputable jewellers after Iyana.



Emerald is Meike's husband, son of Jewel and Rodin. They met when Emerald was returning home to Herd Islandar looking for a gift for his mother and Meike assisted in the choice of style. Jewel was so happy with her gift that Emerald would keep returning to her store.


Emerald and Meike has a son called Goldbar.


Meike was one of Iyana's original students for her jewellery studies.

Inspirational Message

"Being around people you love is nothing that gold can buy".
