Pool Diver

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Pool divers are sky blue in color and glow softly in the dark. Instead of hooves, the horses’ legs end in delicate fins and they have gills along their long necks. Their eyes are very large and black. [1] [2]


These horses are very timid and though they can be seen from a distance few have seen one close up. Pool Divers are drawn to flute music and have been known to surface quite close to a gifted musician. Sometimes a pool diver will leave a large pearl from a giant freshwater oyster as a gift by a pool’s edge to a reward a particularly good player.

When threatened they will simply slip into the water and disappear. When night falls they retreat to underwater caves.


Pool Divers are a type of hippocamp. They spend the majority of their time lounging around pool rims of the Grass Sea.

Notable Horses

The only confirmed Pool Diver is Obrylin.


  1. All Information from Obrylin's Bellapedia Screenshot
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.