Grass Sea

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On the eastern border of North of North lies a remarkable plain – The Grass Sea. The “Grassy,” as locals refer to it, consists of miles and miles of rolling hills covered in sweet green and yellow grass. The Grassy stretches as far as the eye can see and at a gallop it takes several days to cross.[1]

The landscape is dotted by deep blue clear water pools. Towering above the waves of emerald green grass are the true icons of the Grassy – emerald cloud trees. These giants are named for their distinct shape.  At a distance, their canopies actually look like billowing green clouds. These trees can grow several hundred feet tall with canopies that spread twice as far.

Root Ponies live on the Grassy, and often share the area with their friends, the pufferfoxes. Greenlock and her friend the Royal Starbik also live in this area. [2]

In the Grass Sea are the Grass Lakes. They are located under the grass that grows on top of the hidden "sea." The grass and its roots grow so dense that you can walk on top and never notice the water underneath.

The sea underneath is dark, cold, green, and cloudy. It also is made of fresh water instead of salt water. In some areas there are also open pockets of water called lakes, although they are simply areas where the grass doesn't grow thickly over the sea. [3]

Whose Territory?

The Grass Sea is located on the Eastern are of North of North, and touches a number of territories, specifically Islandar, Valeryk, Moonfairy, and Sunflower. Horses from many herds make their homes here. [2][3]


  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Information Retrieved from Donnecha and Greenlock Bellapedia Screenshots
  3. 3.0 3.1 Conrad S., Saling B. M., Hacker M. (2011). Emma and the Lost Herds (pp. 118-120). Seattle, WA: Hidden City Entertainment. Retrieved from