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Share your energy with someone who needs a little brightness.


Quasar is a stallion with a fiery red-orange coat, a dark maroon mane and tail tinged with a molten red like lava, and flaming red bat-like wings. His hooves are lit with yellow fire. He is surrounded by an aura of heat. His eyes burn a fierce yellow and are lit with a flame. He is almost the exact opposite of Sidera.[1]


Quasar is a strong horse who freely shares that energy and strength with others who need it.

Magical Gift

Quasar is made of magical fire. Fire can slide easily across his body without a single mark. He has the ability to fly thanks to his magical wings.



Quasar's mate is Sidera.

The Name Game

A quasar, also known as a quasi-stellar object, is an extremely active luminous galactic nucleus in which a supermassive black hole is surrounded by a gas disk. As the gas falls toward the hole, energy is released, which can be observed in bright, color bursts of light with the correct electromagnetic radiation equipment. This phenomenon is most often depicted in bright orange or bright blue colors.[2]

Inspirational Message

Starlights Icon “Share your energy with someone who needs a little brightness.”

Starlights Icon “Partage ton énergie avec quelqu'un qui a besoin d'un peu de lumière.”

Starlights Icon “Teile deine Energie mit jemandem, der etwas Aufmunterung benötigt.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Quasar.(August 15, 2020). Retrieved August 16, 2020 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quasar

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