The Desirée

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The Desirée are a group of mysterious desert women. The women wear long silk red dresses, carry weapons with them at all times, and wear flexible leather armor. 


The Desirée are led by a woman named Yris and beloved by the people in their home of Autumn Sands for protecting those who live there. These women have a special bond with Dune Lupines, wolf-like creatures, whom they bond with from childhood. [1]

The home base of the Desirée is Cavernnest, a cavern created by a great meteor that produces beautiful blue glass called Cavernglass, has a natural spring, and is said to be the most beautiful place in Autumn Sands. 

The Desirée gain more girls into their group by traveling through villages and asking various young women to join them for a "Year of grace". This is a year spent proving yourself to the group by doing any task they ask. If, after the year is up, you have impressed them, you may be asked to stay, and given a Dune Lupine cub to bond with. 

Although the Desirée are well loved, they are actually an evil force in North of North. Having been long misguided for centuries by the Dune Lupines, they believe that horses are evil creatures attempting to take over their lands, and they often capture and kill horses, so much so that horses were at one time almost completely driven out of Autumn Sands.

It is unknown who started the false myth about horses that fuel the Desirée, but it can be assumed it is one of the original Wolf Riders, such as Ivenna, that led them to be the enemy of horses. [2]



  1. Brown, F., Jakubowski, N. (December 29, 2009). Shamal's Secret. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.