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Do something that makes you feel proud. Others will be proud of you too.


Aegis has a light caramel coat and a bushy, plum mane and tail. A crown of laurel leaves rests on his head and light-colored leather straps are wrapped around his lower legs.[1] [2]


Aegis is on a constant mission to prove himself, to himself. He pushes his limits whenever he can until he reaches his goal and feels he can announce his accomplishment, glowing with pride, to everyone he knows.



Apollo is Aegis' sire. He is constantly encouraging Aegis to do his best and is an ever-present influence in Aegis' life.


Athena is Aegis' dam. Though he sometimes disregards her advice in the midst of his ambition, he admires her greatly and does most of the things she tells him.


Harmony is Aegis' sister. Her peaceful disposition and love of music are foreign concepts to him, but she makes for a good playmate. When she feels like playing with him, that is.

The Name Game

The Aegis was a magical, goatskin shield from Greek mythology that belonged to Zeus and was often carried by Athena.[3]

Inspirational Message

Baby Bella Icon “Do something that makes you feel proud. Others will be proud of you too.”

Baby Bella Icon “Agis de manière à être fière de toi, et les autres le seront aussi.”

Baby Bella Icon “Fai qualcosa ti renda orgogliosa di te stessa. Anche gli altri lo saranno.”




  1. "Aegis." Sheknows. Retrived August 3, 2020, from,which%20was%20made%20of%20goatskin.
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Aegis. (August 3, 2020). Retrieved August 5, 2020 from

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