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Be brave and adventurous. Go places others only dream of.


Aquarius is a water horse that can also swim through the sky. His color is a gradient of sea green to ocean blue down the length of his body, tail, and fins. His mane is a fin, and he has fins coming from his shoulders similar to wings, as well as a small fin on his back near his hips. He is speckled all over with small white dots, like stars. [1]


Aquarius is a frisky horse and brave adventurer. He is not afraid of any new place. His frequent travels often take him away from home, but he always enjoys coming home to his sweetheart Urania.

Magical Gift

Aquarius can swim underwater, being a water horse, but can also windwalk through the air like most members of his herd.



Urania is Aquarius' sweetheart. He loves when she accompanies him on his adventures.

The Name Game

Aquarius is named after the constellation and zodiac sign of the Water Bearer. Those born under the Aquarius constellation (from January 20-February 18) are said to be creative, independent, and intelligent, but also introverted, stubborn, and rebellious.[2]

Inspirational Message

Starlights Icon “Be brave and adventurous. Go places others only dream of.”

Starlights Icon “Sois brave et aventureuse. Va là où les autres rêvent de se rendre sans jamais l'oser.”




  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Aquarius. (July 16, 2020). Retrieved August 6, 2020 from

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