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You are a great person. Enjoy being yourself!


Urania's has a white coat and four flame-colored stockings that splash up her legs. Her mane and tail also look like they are made of curling, glowing fire. Her muzzle is a pastel pink, and her eyes are heavily lashed and a gentle chocolate brown. Her hooves glow orange and leave little flickers of flame when she windwalks. There are also gold star markings on her forehead.

In Starlights, her coat appears to have a pinkish tint.[1]


Urania is a sweet and delicate horse.[2] She simply can't stand seeing others change themselves to try and impress someone or get somewhere. She believes that you are just fine the way that you are.

Magical Gift

Urania's mane and tail glow, and when she windwalks, she kicks up little flickers of flame and swirls of orange light.[3]



Urania's sweetheart is Aquarius.

Clio and Thalia

Clio, Thalia, and Urania might be sisters as they make up three of the Nine Muses.[4]

The Name Game

In Greek mythology, Urania was the daughter of Zeus and the muse of astronomy.[5]

Inspirational Message

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “You are a great person. Enjoy being yourself!”

Starlights Icon “Jsi skvělý člověk. Měj ze sebe radost!”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Sois fière de qui tu es, car tu es exceptionnelle.”
Starlights Icon “Tu es une personne formidable. N'est-ce pas merveilleux d'être toi ?”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Du bist großartig. Erfreue dich an dir selbst!”
Starlights Icon “Du bist toll. Genieße es du zu sein!”

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon “Sei una persona fantastica. Amati per come sei!”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Bella Sara Magical Horses. (December 6, 2010). Retrieved August 17, 2020 from https://www.facebook.com/Bella-Sara-Magical-Horses-113038148761850/photos/a.113076728757992/116161555116176
  3. From The Ultimate Sticker Collection
  4. Muse. (December 14, 2012) Retrieved October 7, 2020 from https://www.ancient.eu/muse/
  5. Urania. (July 9, 2020). Retrieved August 17, 2020 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urania

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Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon North American Release Thalia European Release Thor
Starlights Icon Tycho

Ancient Lights and Mythology Icon North American Release Vesta European Release Urd
Starlights Icon Cassiopeia & Zenith

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Unnamed Horses
