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Show your passion. It will shine through everything you do.


Aster is a pure white stallion. He wears a blue ribbon with the crest of Herd Sunflower on his neck and pink and purple aster flowers in his mane and tail. He also has a light blue design on his flank.


Aster is very open about his passions. He loves to share the things he loves with everyone! [1]



Aster is Sunflower's husband. [2]

The Name Game

Aster is a perennial flowering plant from the family Asteraceae. The name comes from the ancient Greek word "aster," meaning star, which refers to the star-like shape of the flower's head. The flowers feature many small layers of petals and come in mainly light purple colors.[3]

Promo Info


Aster is a Promo Card from the "Sunflowers" series. His card could be found in the "Sunflowers" Box of Wonders.

Inspirational Message

Sunflowers Icon “Show your passion. It will shine through everything you do.”

Sunflowers Icon “Montre ta passion. Elle étincellera dans tout ce que tu fais.”



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Information found here:
  3. Aster. (June 4, 2020). Retrieved August 6, 2020 from

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