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Begin your story with a dream that inspires you.


Farah is a beautiful red unicorn mare with a long, flowing mane and tail. Her silver horn is extremely long and thin. She may have a slim Arabian build, but her wavy mane and feathered feet say otherwise. Gold beads adorn her face, mane, and tail.[1] 


Farah prefers to spend her time galloping across the countryside rather than with other horses and humans. As the daughter of Fiona, she has a lot to live up to. [2]



As revealed in Mysterious Farah's description, Farah's mother is Fiona.


Farah's sweetheart is Shamal. They attended Bella's Ball together. Together, they also serve as the guardians of the Valley of Legends.

The Name Game

The name Farah is an Arabic name meaning "happiness."[3]

Bella Sara Adventures


Farah's favorite food is starshine.


According to Jennifer L Meyer, she originally wanted Farah to have glowing cloven hooves like a classic unicorn, but the idea was rejected. [4] Farah was also originally supposed to be used as book cover art only, but was later picked up as card art. [5]

Inspirational Message

Royalty Icon “Begin your story with a dream that inspires you.”

Summer Camp Icon “Začni svůj příběh snem, který Tě inspiruje.”

Bella's Ball Icon “Begin je verhaal met een droom die je inspireert.”

Royalty Icon “Commence ton histoire par un rêve qui t’inspire.”

Royalty Icon “Beginne deine Geschichte mit einem Traum, der deine Fantasie beflügelt.”

Royalty Icon “Inizia la tua storia con un sogno ispiratore.”
The Best of Bella Sara Icon “Comincia la tua storia con un sogno che ti ispiri.”

The Best of Bella Sara Icon "Zacznij swą historię od marzenia, które cię zainspirowało."

Bella's Ball Icon “Empieza tu historia con un sueño que haya inspirado.”

Summer Camp Icon “Возьми в дорогу только то, что придает тебе сил.”





  1. Gender confirmed by descriptions in Mysterious Farah and https://www.facebook.com/Bella-Sara-Magical-Horses-113038148761850/photos/a.113076728757992/157934407605557 as well as her title as Lady
  2. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  3. Farah. (July 25, 2020). Retrieved August 9, 2020 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farah_(name)#:~:text=Word%2Fname,Happiness%2C%20joy
  4. Information from J L Meyer https://bellasara.wiki.gg/wiki/File:Farahanduranus.jpg
  5. Information from J L Meyer https://bellasara.wiki.gg/wiki/File:Farahfacts.jpg

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Royalty Icon Edana
Bella's Ball Icon Diamond
Summer Camp Icon Emberic
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Empress

Royalty Icon Faris
Bella's Ball Icon Fiona
Summer Camp Icon Fiona Monument
The Best of Bella Sara Icon Fiona

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