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It's okay for things to change. Say yes to the future.


Falcha is a white mare with feathered feet and a long white mane and tail. Her neck and mane are decorated with pink flowers. She also has crystal blue eyes.[1]


Falcha enjoys change and is excited for her future. She loves new experiences and she is usually the first to try new things among her circle of friends.[2]


Astral Gazoox

Falcha's closest magical friend is the one-of-a-kind Astral Gazoox. Astral Gazoox’s tail has a strange glowing tip. The tip emits orbs of energy that float around and then zoom off into the sky like falling stars in reverse. Witnesses have reported glowing balls rising up from Falcha’s glen and streaking into the night sky. Those glowing balls have looked large enough to contain Falcha and the Gazoox. Falcha and Astral Gazoox often disappear together for weeks at a time; and the times that Falcha and the Gazoox go missing coincide with those huge glowing spheres rising up, and then falling down, to North of North.[2]

Boreas, Brigid, Morongo and Notos

During the 2008 "Quest for the Lost Horse" event, Falcha could only be found with the help of her four friends. They searched land, sea, and sky to see her safely back home!

The Name Game

Falcha is an old concept found in Newari culture in Nepal, and roughly translates to mean "resting place". The custom features coming together in provided shelters and buildings for different types of social activities. In the past, the concept was used to describe inns and places where kings would listen to the concerns of the people.[3]

Promo Info

In North America, Falcha was an exclusive online horse for the 2008 "Quest for the Lost Horse" event that celebrated the arrival of the "Magical Friends" series. When users entered the codes of the in-store promos Brigid, Notos, Boreas, and Morongo into their account, Falcha would appear in the user's stables.

Outside of North America, Falcha is a regular card that can be found in booster packs.

Inspirational Message

Magical Friends Icon “It's okay for things to change. Say yes to the future.”

Magical Friends Icon “Es ist gut, wenn sich Dinge manchmal verändern. Sag ja zur Zukunft!”
Magical Friends Icon “E' normale che le cose cambino. Accetta il futuro che arriva.”





  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Information from https://web.archive.org/web/20081102221250/http://bellasara.com:80/quest-falcha.aspx
  3. Falcha. (August 2012). Retrieved August 9, 2020 from http://archive.nepalitimes.com/news.php?id=19520#.Xy-VcigzaMo

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