Herd Valeryk

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Brave Words, Brave Deeds
~Herd Valeryk's Motto~

Herd Valeryk was created to honor Thunder's courage. Like Thunder, the horses of Herd Valeryk stand up for themselves, protect others, and speak out when something isn't right. They are brave when faced with challenges and dare to keep trying until they succeed. Horses who show amazing courage may be granted the Order of Thunder and invited to join the nobility of Herd Valeryk.[1]

This herd lives high up the great Midwinter Mountains in the center of North of North, next to the vast ice lake known as Wintermere. With its snow-covered evergreen forests and icy blue glaciers, these mountains made a perfect home for cold-loving horses. Herd Valeryk has Sleetmane and Snowdreamer as its king and queen and Thora as its princess. Inspired by Thunder’s courage, they in turn chose their court from the bravest horses in the herd. Right on the shore of Wintermere, they found a natural hot spring and decided this would be a great spot to build their home. Thunder stomped his hooves and called the lightning to carve Castle Valeryk’s great towers from the mountains’ rock and ice. From this winter wonderland, the horses of Herd Valeryk guard the heart of North of North.

Herd Valeryk is full of horses that love winter, from those with actual ice powers, like Iceking, to those with winter themed cards. [2][3]

Herd Members and Positions

You can learn more about the Hierarchy of a Herd on its own separate page.

Founder and Patron

Valeryk (Founder)
Thunder (Patron)

Royal Family

Sleetmane (King)
Snowdreamer (Queen)
Dane (Prince)
Chocolate (Prince)
Frosty (Prince)
Thora (Princess)
Tinsel (Princess)

Royal Court

Spottie (Jester)
Nieva (Minstrelle)
Gracie (Page)


Donnecha (Chatelaine)
Magic (Knight)
Starunna (Lady)
Valdespar (Steward)

Other Members


For information on fan-canon unofficial members of each herd, visit Unofficial Herds.


  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.
  2. Gott C., Conard S., Boozer M., Hacker M., Saling B. M. (2009). The Bella Sara Ultimate Guide Updated Version (pp. 46) New York, NY: HarperCollins. Retrieved August 5, 2020 from https://bellasara.com/
  3. Information from "Herds from North of North" card Valeryk Castle