Herd Elemyn (Story)

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The "Herd Elemyn" story-card features the majestic herd itself with its founder, Elemyn, leading the way. Hot Bloods, Stone Horses, and other magical horses follow behind her.[1]


“From across the snow-covered fields come beautiful horses of fire, light, ice, and stone. Emma, Colm, and Deru watch as they gallop toward them to join the fairies' Midwinter's Eve feast. "Herd Elemyn," says Deru. "It's one of the most magical herds in North of North.”

“Z ośnieżonych pól przybywają przecudne konie ognia, światła, lodu i kamienia. Emma, Colm i Deru podziwiają je, spiesząc do wróżek na obchody wigilii Środka Zimy. "Elemyn - mówi Deru - to jedno z najbardziej magicznych stad w Najdalszej Północy".”



  1. All information on this page was compiled and researched by the bellasara.wiki.gg staff and supportive collectors! If information from this page is found elsewhere it has been copied without permission from staff, the community, and collaborators.